I CAN'T FIND IT!! *smoke shoots from nostrils* Pix include my iPod, my new purse, my neighbor's bottle rocket thingy, and the masterful creation that is the Quadruple Stuff Oreo.
Also, as a note: I know that irony is/was Sam's thing. But i'm going to go ahead and say this anyways:
Anonymous posts on my blog. reads blog. then asks me to put them on my sidebar. i don't know who they are!!! who are you anonymous dude!?!?!?
OMG YES I FOUND IT!!!!!!!! so heeeere are my pix!

mon iPod before it's Xtreem makeover

This is how my iPod looks NOW. Much better, non?

More views of the 'Pod

My Happy Bunny Purse


My creation...THE QUADRUPLE-STUFF OREO!!! Basically two Double-stuff Oreos smushed together.
love the oreo, and i want ur ipods babies, okay? okay? omg! officially the hottest guy ever who is sooo hot..i said that already.. and nice! and awesomely sexi! lol w/e must hang out, my dog needs prozacs!
i wants a lollipop, c ya
oh yea, the officially hottest guy ever is zach..i met him at my friends b-day partay by accident, see i wasn't supposed to go and niether was he but he went and i went and we both went and he's f'n awesome!
that oreo scares me ali... O.o
yes, I think Mr. Darci is HOTTTTTTTTTTTT it was on my xanger a while back
btw, kettle corn is addictive
yes, kettle corn is like caramel corn, but with less sugar... O__o
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