Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Susie Has a Cow on Her Head

I dunno. some random thing on a commercial. if there is anyone named Susie out there reading this, I apologize.

Anyways, yesterday was uneventful (you already said that five times!!). I had pizza for two meals and animal crackers and sour cream and onion chips for another. we watched the princess bride and...that other movie...umm.... ..... .... *trying to remember the stupid movie name*...oh yeah!! Mary poppins (we have a DVD player in the car). then my sister and my brother and I played 20 questions (boredom). I was the only person who didnt have things that were so simple they were obvious or stuff that was so bizarre and random that it was obvious...RHINESTONES!!! the word rhinestone reminds me of rhinoceros. hahah. I can SPELL!!! omfg....wow...I have to see the stupid pirates of the stupid Caribbean so that I can go to the second stupid pirates of the stupid Caribbean (there goes that spelling thing, i just had to spellcheck for the stupid caribbean). Caribbean is another funny word. It looks like Carry Bean. That could be someone's name. Lol...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think u spelled it right. Marry poppins? i pitty u. But, now that i think about it... that is actually an okay movie. yup. byes.