- Spending hours in the guest cabin on Jamie's island, playing endless tournements of Mario Tennis and drinking soda (it reeeked of creme and grape soda in there).
- "I'm a Canadian! I'm a Canadian!"
- Bonfires
- Will's new catchphrases: Sasquatch/BAFFOON/BACHwheat/Batman/Canadian/You stanky!!
- Corning Glass Factory
- My first bottle of Jones
- IMing people for like 3 hrs straight
- Brad&Tyler's
- Rita's custards
- Emma's insane b-day par-tay (ouija!! ZOMG)
- Numa Numa
- "I don't like you!" "I DON'T LIKE YOU EITHER!!"
- The lip sync
- The murder mystery
- Steve the Captain of the Football Team
- Talking in questions
- "Oh woe is us! Oh woe is us!"
- "I'm not talking to this reject." "I'm not talking to THIS reject." "Oh yeah?!?" "YEAH!"
- Theatre camp in general
- Dying my hair purple, then having everyone think it was red, then have it completley fade out over the course of Band Camp
- The flute-ish pizza party, but with julie and sam and carissa and katie c. and people who weren't flutes at all
- The much more organized flute DINNER
- Band crushes
- Getting a phone
- MY BDAY!!!
- Obsessivley texting kim and then getting molly into it (HAH).
- Everyone having Sexyback for their ringtone and me dying because of that.
- Putting rhinestones on my Razer
- Not going to the Phillies game and watching 7th Heven over the fone with emily and then kim.
- Going up to WVcabin with Grace and Maeve...good times, good times.
- The American Idol concert, and being tricked into thinking we werent going...lol.
- Buying tons of songs for my IPOD haHA
- Blogging, blogging...
- Doing nothing for weeks on a time
- Gilmore Girls marathons!
- Will sleeping in my room almost every night and us flipping out at each other
- "Sam! Jeff! No PDA!"
- Crash Bandicoot and the ghosts.
- Watching tons of music videosw/emma and will, and mocking almost every one besides the wonderful OK Go treadmills!
- Making up alternative lyrics to Hillary Duff songs
- Throwing water balloons off the steps, and then making them huge and throwing them straight up in the air. Haha.
- Sleeping in the basement with Zoe and Emma, then sleeping in Ben's room and freaking emma out with a swivel chair
- obsessivley changing my blog's name/layout
- Caffine!
- The rope swing
And now...it's over....*cries*
goodbyes summer.
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