Friday, November 24, 2006


Things are suck right now. Luke hid the dartboard and andy wants to find it and luke is giving him clues. "you're cold. warm. warmer. hot! hot! you're like burning inferno man!"

Everyone else got presents and stuff. Maybe i did too. Maybe i didnt. Whatevvvvvvvvvvs.

Oh hey i did. I got a bag. It's khaki. It matches Ello's jacket! Study hallllll....

I am seriously beginning to regret buying Fergalicious. No wait. I'm past beginning to regret it. I REGRET it. I don't know why i even DID it, much less why i made luke and andy a cd with it or showed them where the damn boom box was. HERRRRRRGGGG!!

So. Stuff. Stuff. Stuff. Stuffffff.....i ran out of words. Luke can talk.

look, im making words hahaha. im slow just so everybody knows... teehee.

Blue is me. me is Andy. umm forgot what i was gonna say

he kept writing men is andy....... hahahe. ummm ummm HI.!.??▲├Ñ╚]§ ó
^^^ see what i mean? teeheehahetee.

i like adding stuff. i mean crap teehee.

I like my man blue. Im goin downstairs.

to do what *winks*

micheal jackson....0_o

CÄ47æ7ææ657~≥4○5897E8767╙56Y7654o65○87654f87"87546>fff‼█4ÄA 1Ä»█▀e╖├Ä.█A§654│D{ weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEE whats gona mess what up? i cfant type......... asee? lmaoo.................................................

i think that's a family charachteristic luke. my cousin ryan is screaming and crying. luke looks at him like"...hi." and all during that ^^ he was like "WOAH a line!! WOAH a block!! WOAH.....ANOTHER LINE!!"

well its hard to pretend yur andy because his writing is blue and mine is red............ teehee......!

you could just change the color.

i knoed. i l i k e s p a c e s . i l i k e m y s p a c e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... .................... ......Å. HAH the dot went on top of the A...funny.

That is possibly the coolest A i have ever seen ever. Besides like everything

hi im ali...... nvm lol.

see i'm smarter than the boy who threw the basketball in the lake (almost)

well....... im smarterer.... so ha....HA ............ HA

that took way too much effort to make that ha really big....alksdfisdjkldsfjklk. there. wait i still don't feel better. asdfsdfiosdfjiosdfjioIO;AWEFJSUKX,ERCIOWERIOP FCJIOPs. I'm better.

ya ........ ^ what a noob..... noob, newb smae difrence.

Smae!! That's almost as cool as Douge.

omg douge, the pimpsta lol............................... i like ffr. haha haha ha ha ahhahahaaaaaa
no really? ya i like ffr..... nuhuh.... yuhuh.... arguing with yourself is SO MUCH FUN wooooooohhhhhoooooooooooooooo
^that reminds me of sims2 lmao, inside joke.

bleahg. Mom+Douge 4eva. Not MY mom or anything.....Ace Young is singing about being naked. Here's why this song makes no sense: he says "let me be your father figure" and then says the lyrics "lying warm and naked by your side." so you can assume that this person regularly gets naked with their father. to which i say. EW.

heres what i say about this^: i forgot what i wa gona say.. hold does sombodies dad go make love to them....... unless yur a purv,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, <

#of words spelled wrong there: 6

oh... lol well i like being stupid omg its fun. um this song is retarded.

oh i know and it goes on FOREVER. Actually it's about to end....wait for it...wait for it...wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit......there!! ace young is such a whiner.

you meant man-whore*


i was waiting...... for what? i dont nowe. knoe, know! ya thats right eh? no im not canadian..... im just aposer... =D yay im normal again! woohoo, god damnit i sopell everything worng!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!

that ? looks very lonely. I'll make him some friends. ????? my 1 yr old cousin is taking away the boom box. why is he unsupervised again? he just took out the cd and almost broke it...hee.

haha im a sack of potatoes...........

yeah cuz andy likes to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder wink wink.

was that a dis?!


i think it was! the lights went off omg! =D ill make it huge! i dont know what to say now, wheres andy? ali says go get andy so ill brb......

what to do, what to music just said "who" and i typed "who to do" by accident. The lights went out and me and luke turned around and looked at my uncle at the exact same time liek "..." And luke can do the same hair flip as me!!!

I cant do that hair flip
Do it Ali
no way

They're trying to get me to watch a tom cruise movie. My escape artist cousin is rolling up OH SHIZZ he just totally escaped on his own. only not cuz well....eherm. he had a bit of assistance from someone who TOTALLY wasnt andy.

totally...... lol
i can do the emo hair flippy thingy hahaha. that reminds me of this girl in my school who everybody thinks she emo..... hahaha well she has those like.... arm thingys that you wear like on yur wrist? and stuff..... like the hair over one eye.,.. that reminds me of when i used to be emo, it was pretty fun hahaf»ºÅÿF2▼2nh↑⌠4K47954•4J

Luke is doing his emo dance. He just made that that little screen pop up that says "HELP AND STUFF". Luke has just had the shocking revelation that you can get dizzy from headbanging. To which i say, welcome to me and kim's little club.

i wana be in the club.... yay im in cool the headbangers club, i love this club you all should be in this club....................

club club club. wow this is LONG. Ryan was playing with a dartboard. Greaaaaaaaat. So i'm gonna go throw things at tom cruises head. Luke wanna come?

how come ali is black...... lol that sounded wierd ............. BYYEYEYYEE

SO i had to add this:

Luke: Can YOU lick your hair Andy? huh? can you? *licks hair*
Me: I can lick MY hair! *licks hair*
LuKe: LoOk Im lIcKiNg My hAiR HAHAHA *licks hair*
Andy: *attempts to lick hair*
Luke: You could lick your hair, you'd just have to cut it off first.


Sam Austin said...

might i add:

"what are you smoking?"

Anonymous said...

Ditto what Sam said but add:
"What the hell?"

Ali said...

to answer your questions, we are smoking coke....a cola. only we arent smoking it, we're drinking it. and lots.