Monday, November 06, 2006

VOA/Voah/This Is So Confusing

I don't really know a lot about this guy, but so many people have done a Voah post (tim's done TWO and sam has a story!!) that i felt that i should.

Or wait. Didnt I read somewhere that he wanted to be called VOA? I'll just stick with that, since Voah sounds like Noah and Noah sounds like fists hitting Noah's face.


What i realized about all those VOA posts? They were all by dudes, unless there's a girl VOA-poster out there. If so, my apologies. If not, i wanted to be the first girl to get at this whole VOA mystery.

When the VOA came to the world of blogging, he didnt seem all that important. People figured that he would reveal himself soon enough and life would go back to normal.

But then something revolutionary happened. Everyone realized that VOA was not an attention-craving type. He was not about to come out to the world and say, "My name is _____". And that was what started it all. The human need for information.

You could also call it being nosy.

But I'm not one to judge.

Then people started having a lot of speculations about who it was (including me). Then they started mocking him (i didnt mock so much as think it was tim and try to annoy him). Then they started hero-worshipping him. That was when it got a little out of control. I don't know what the rest of you think, but i'm pretty sure that VOA wasnt looking for all this attention. It's not like he came out with a big splash, complete with trumpets and jazz hands. It was just one comment one day, a couple more another day.

Or maybe he was looking for it. Maybe this is all some huge convaluded scheme. The truth is that we may never know.

Then the snowball started rolling down the hill. It got bigger and bigger and bigger, and now VOA is almost a celebrity in his own right. And while we're on that point (not really though), who says that VOA isnt female? I actually always pictured him/her as a guy, but who knows, really. I'll just stick with him to make things less complicated.

Now, though, the snowball is at its biggest. My question is this: What is at the bottom of the hill? What will the snowball hit when the ground evens out?

And will we ever know who made the snowball in the first place?


Sam Austin said...

"Now, though, the snowball is at its biggest. My question is this: What is at the bottom of the hill? What will the snowball hit when the ground evens out?

And will we ever know who made the snowball in the first place?"

I don't know, I don't know, probably.

Anonymous said...

No, VOA will disappear as mysteriously as (s)he appeared.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sam, but disagree with Jeff. He won't disappear if I get to him first!