Tuesday, July 25, 2006

30 Seconds and A Better Song

Couldnt think of a title. Saaaad....

Well, we are in Day 2 of lip sync mode. Emma's group has their entire song done, with three days left to perfect it. My group? Not so much. I counted, and we have a grand total of 30 seconds. 30. Frikken. Seconds. All of which basically look like crap, what with certain members of our group looking like they're made of rubber bands. And not in a good way. I'm going to totally tell them tomorrow that emma has all of hers done and suggest solos, since jenny g. (with whom i have totally bonded over being short, altho she's still taller than me) and i seem to have certain problems with syncronized movement. the first 30 SECONDS consist of us doing some weird poses and stuff, but almost all at the same time. it looks sucko with my total lack of skill at this stuff. three people (claire, jenny k. and lauren) have pretty much taken over and all talk at the same time and move around the two neutrals (me and jenny g.) while leah tries to talk over them. it was a shambles, basically. i had one suggestion that worked its way in but that was pretty much it. basically jenny g and i would be talking to each other while the other three argued and ignored leah and sometimes pulled us into different spots (which is annoying b/c just cuz i'm short doesnt mean that i'm incapable of independent movement). So i'll update if things get better. if things get worse, there'll be a low-key explosion here.


Anonymous said...

awwwwww. poor ali. things will get better. i think.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.