Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My Order

just in case you're interested, here's what i'm getting from the $15 store. I'm planning to get a few new pieces to work with, considering that i've already used up most of my cool outfit ideas piecing together stuff for the first week. And this is totally the final order. i'm not changing my mind anymore i SWEAR. And i'll post pix later.
  • The same cami that i said i would get when i was posting from deee-troit.
  • The same shrug that went with this cami
  • A jean skirt (i listened to molly's "azaming" (inside joke) advice.
  • A pair of rockin' aviator glasses with rhinestones on the nose part
  • A supershort camo "bubble dress" (no idea what that means) that i'm gonna wear over jeans.



Molly said...

yay you took my advice XD

Anonymous said...

yay for clothes!